Ace of the Day!

After an Australian Open that delivered extreme weather challenges,  including bushfire smoke haze, torrential rain, 43c heat and 2 bouts of mud rain, we have never been more proud of the Cirka AO team led by Dave Cuthbert, Laura Bromiley, Dave Smith, Stephen Baird (Eddy), Wayne Murphy, David Payne, Mark Fitzgerald and Pete Carroll in their ability to adapt, be proactive, problem solve and tirelessly get on with the job at hand.

We were delighted to have CEO of Melbourne & Olympic Parks John Harnden congratulate Cirka on our efforts in “making the 2020 Australian Open such a great success”, noting, “given the numerous challenges that arose, it was particularly pleasing to see our teams work together with a solutions focused attitude”.

Particular congratulations goes to 10 of our team members who were given the “Ace of the Day” award by the Melbourne & Olympic Parks team following their quick response to a complicated flood situation in part of the precinct during a peak time of the event.