Cirka Group Enters Catering Market With Acquisition of Libby Reid Catering
Australian and UK cleaning company Cirka Group Pty Ltd. has acquired Libby Reid Catering Group. This acquisition will see Cirka Group enter the catering market and expand its offering to the facilities and events management sectors.
Libby Reid Catering is based in Melbourne and has been
Chairman Cirka Group
providing exclusive catering to both private and corporate clients for over 40 years. The company is an accredited and official partner of the Victoria Racing Club and the Melbourne Cup Carnival and also services a range of corporate and event spaces, as well as providing home delivery services to the aged care sector.
“Libby Reid Catering is a highly-regarded name in theindustry. The tenure of their clients is a testament to the quality of their service delivery, and we’re excited to continue to grow the brand and focus on expanding into key segments,” Matthew Bond, Cirka Group Executive Chairman, said.
Cirka provides cleaning, waste management, pest control, hygiene and porterage services to more than 80 clients across the commercial, aged care and health, venues & events and retail sectors in Australia and the UK. The family-owned and operated company was founded in 1988
and has won multiple service excellence awards over the past 35 years.
“Libby Reid Catering has become known for delivering personalised and individual catering experiences to a broad range of clients. Cirka’s vision for creating and delivering outstanding experiences is an exciting point of alignment between the two brands” Libby Reid, Libby Reid Catering Founder said.