Cirka’s Brand New ‘Cirka88’ Cafe has Just Opened at Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds Campus

Cirka is thrilled to announce that we are opening a Cirka88 Cafe at Deakin University‘s Waurn Ponds Campus.

Cirka88 is our catering division’s retail cafe offering, and we are excited to provide students, faculty, and staff with a diverse and healthy menu of gourmet food, a variety of vegan and gluten-free options, and freshly brewed coffee carefully crafted by our barista experts.

Cirka has partnered with St Remio Coffee Coffee, a brand committed to sustainable farming practices. St Remio Coffee carries Rainforest Alliance Certification and collects used coffee grounds to be repurposed as fertiliser.

Thanks to all the dedicated staff involved in this project, and a special shoutout to Paul Bellette, whose hard work and dedication have been invaluable.

Come by to say hello and enjoy our amazing coffee and food If you’re around the campus.