Victoria Racing Club

We are delighted to announce Cirka has been appointed as the Venue Presentation Partner for the Victoria Racing Club (VRC) at Flemington. The Cirka team are extremely proud to be trusted with a world class venue like Flemington racecourse. Not only the home of Australian racing but a venue that is part of Australia’s heritage and … Read more

State Sport Centres Trust

We are extremely excited to have commenced our latest partnership with the State Sport Centres Trust (SSCT). SSCT governs the Melbourne Sports Centres, home to both high performance and community sport in Victoria, including the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park and Parkville Stadium. Great work on the mobilisation of the … Read more

Trusted Partner Award

We were delighted to recently receive the Spotless Trusted Partner Award, for the third year running! We are proud to have been recognised for delivering outstanding cleaning services across South Australian Government FMS contracts, maintaining a KPI score of over 95% in FY2021. Cirka has built a strong relationship with Spotless and we are committed … Read more

Thank Your Cleaner Day 2021

On Thank Your Cleaner Day we want to say a HUGE Thank You to our wonderful cleaning team. Your work is always so important in keeping our clients, tenants and members of the public safe and well but even more so during a pandemic. We appreciate everything you do and are so proud of our … Read more


Today is RUOK? Day and it’s a reminder to check in on those around us, not just today but every day. You don’t have to be an expert to reach out, just a good friend and a great listener.   How to go about it – Ask Are You OK? Listen Encourage Action Check in. … Read more

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week runs from 27th of May to Thursday 3rd of June and is an opportunity to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. This year marks 20 years of Reconciliation Australia and the theme for the week is, “More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.” … Read more

Cirka UK – Saracens Vaccination Hub

We are extremely proud of our Cirka team in the UK for their role in supporting Saracens RFC at the StoneX Stadium in the delivery of one of the biggest vaccination hubs in London. Gary Binder – Cirka UK’s Managing Director said, “the rollout of the vaccination program across the UK has been a phenomenal historical moment in time … Read more

Arts Centre Melbourne

Congratulations to our fabulous Arts Centre Melbourne team for receiving a Bravo Peer Award. The award was given, “ For the team’s diligence, hard work and adaptability to new Covid requirements, particularly post show in Hamer Hall.” Thank you to our partners at Arts Centre Melbourne for the acknowledgment, it is always valued and appreciated.

Earth Hour

Cirka has signed up to support Earth Hour and the #SwitchforNature. This year, the focus is to encourage as many people as possible to make a simple switch in their daily lives to help our planet. This could be:  Switch to solar power,  Switch your ride  or Simply #SwitchOff your lights for Earth Hour – Saturday … Read more

The Cleanest Open Ever

The eyes of the world were certainly on the Australian Open over the past fortnight and our Cirka team were pleased to have the New York Times shadow them, to gain insight into all that was involved in keeping the event clean. We were excited to see the article “The Cleanest Open Ever” published online … Read more