Cirka’s Solution for Student Accommodation Peak Periods (UniLodge)

Cirka has been providing cleaning and housekeeping services for student accommodation across multiple UniLodge sites in Brisbane since 2022. During peak periods, such as the beginning of the student semesters, there is a significant increase in demand for room and bond cleaning services, which requires an increase in team members and a detailed plan to ensure successful service delivery.

For this year’s semester 1 student intake, the Cirka internal planning meetings began in November 2023 to ensure we had all aspects of the project covered and that we could ensure the rooms were cleaned to the required standard, on time, and the students could move into their clean new homes before the start of the new semester.

Our People & Culture team also developed a plan for the additional team members required to meet room cleaning demands. First, our recruitment team analysed the list of casual workers in the Queensland database, contacted those active, and confirmed their availability, resulting in 26 new staff ready to work. We then used our proven recruitment methodology, including video interview technology, to rapidly recruit and onboard the remaining 70 staff.

By January 15, we had successfully recruited 96 team members for the UniLodge sites, allowing us to clean 1485 student rooms across six different UniLodge locations over a three-week period. Thanks to Scott Booth and all our Queensland team for their outstanding effort and to UniLodge for their trust in our services.