Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy is integrated into the core of our business, creating shared positive outcomes for our clients, supply chain, partners and the community. We rely on it to structure our plans when creating industry-leading outcomes and to maintain our accountability as a growing company.

Our strategy is built on twelve key focus areas. Each focus area contains a set of commitments we can measure, verify, and report on in line with global reporting standards.

This way, Cirka can ensure that we are “at the centre of the solution”.


Our environmental impact is a top priority for our business. Cirka continuously looks to innovate and improve our service delivery to mitigate our environmental footprint.

Our priorities are:

  • Resource management, including energy, water, materials and land use.
  • Outputs from operational activities, including our Green House Gases (GHG), waste and pollution.
  • Engaging stakeholders and raising awareness around mitigating impact on the surrounding environment.
Environmental Product
Aboriginal art

Social Impact

Cirka is committed to supporting the community. We have been increasing our social impact through a national charity partnership, our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), creating employment pathways and supporting access to education. 

Key focus areas are: 

  • First Nations Strategy 
  • Charitable Endeavours
  • Community Engagement


A strong and effective system of governance that ensures proper accountability and transparency is critical to achieving our ESG goals.

By prioritising good governance practices, we can better manage risk, promote ethical behaviour, and create sustainable value for all stakeholders.

Staff Governance Photo

Modern Slavery

Cirka is not required, under the Modern Slavery Act 2018, to submit a statement in line with reporting requirements. We understand that some of our customers may be required to submit a statement. As such, we can provide reporting on our suppliers to ensure that we have mitigated against risks of modern slavery within our supply chain and operations.